Thursday, February 23, 2012

Freestailo #23 - 1/15/12

Right Click/Ctrl-Click to Download Freestailo #23 Here

Did you know that there are albino zebras?! I guess I knew that pretty much any animal could be albino, but ZEBRAS! They look either totally white, or they have a white body and slightly darker stripes. There are also melanistic zebras, who have greyish bodies and very dark stripes. Then there are half-melanistic and half-albanistic zebras! How cool is that?! And there are spotted zebras too! And did you know that black panthers are melanistic jaguars? They are! You can Google it!

Half melanistic, half albanistic zebra

Albino zebra and normal zebra

Melanistic zebra (I think it looks a bit like a hyena...

It's that time of week again, where I play music for you and you listen to it (or maybe you don't).

This week has been WCBN's annual fundraiser (as also evidenced by the many blog posts regarding the matter). I didn't really do anything special for my show, except making a Facebook event saying that I would sing if I got $400 total, or a single donation of $150. Guess how much I got, listeners? *drumroll* $10. WOOOO! Thank you, whoever you were. I love you.

For this show I had a bunch of requests, actually. My friends Austin and Leah requested At the Drive-In and Regina Spektor, respectfully, and I had a caller ask for "the grossest, most awful album you can find in the station." So thanks guys!

I'll let you get to the playlist.

[Artist: Song - Album]
  1. Ladysmith Black Mambazo: Akasekh' Engimzondayo - liph' iqiniso
  2. Juanecoy Su Combo: Caballito Nocturno - Masters of Chicha
  3. Spain: Ten Nights - Blue Moods of Spain
  4. Edith Piaf: T'es beau tu sais - The Best of Edith Piaf
  5. Railroad Sounds: Various Steam and Diesel Sounds - The Sounds of a Vanishing Era
  6. Trayer: WEHAV EENTE REDAH OLYPA TTERN - One Over Zero
  7. Choralschola Der Wiener Hofburgkapelle: In Nativitate Domini ad MIssam in vigilia - Gregorianischer Choral
  8. Yeshe Dojre Rinpoche: Shedur: A Ghost Exorcism Ritual - Tibetan Buddhism
  9. Fats Waller: Black Raspberry Jam - The Complete Fats Waller
  10. Regina Spektor: Chemo Limo - Soviet Kitsch
  11. Apollo: Hungry Eyes - Apollo
  12. Naftule's Dream: Gnossiene #1 - Job
  13. At The Drive-In: Pickpocket - This Station Is Non-Operational
  14. Binali Selman: Bayburt Halayi - David Zurna Ile Oyun Ilavalari
  15. Bhai Gaitonde: Tintal - Bhai Gaitonde (tabla)
  16. Malcolm Bilson: Sonata in F Major - Haydn Keyboard Sonatas
  17. Beverly Gemigniani: Dancin' Grannies VHS - Dancin' Grannies Mature Fitness Beginners
  18. 3rd Eye Foundation: Urchin Snuffed Candles - i poo poo on your juju
  19. Daniel Johnston: Tears, Stupid Tears - 1990
  20. Nordisk Sang: Sylfest Mork - Nordisk Sang
  21. Kin Ping Meh: Fairy Tales - Kin Ping Meh
  22. John and Phillis Miller: various tracks - The Rainbow Express, A Serious-Fun Musical About God's Promise To Noah...And Us!
  23. Escape Mechanism: Being - Escape Mechanism
  24. Electribe: Talking With Myself (Opium Mix) - Talking With Myself
  25. Mara!: Little Duke Arthur's Nurse - Images
  26. DJ Soul Slinger: Brian Job - Don't Believe
  27. Nectromonitron: Invading Assassin Is Dead - Necrominitron
  28. The Nighthawks: Born In Chicago - Jacks & Kings "Full House"
  29. Aaron Dilloway: Eight Cut Scars - Modern Jester
This Station is Operational:
  1. Request for the worst album: Thank you glorious anonymous listener. I owe the entire Rainbow Express layering with Escape Mechanism. Some of it didn't mesh, but in the best sense of chaos. 
  2. Chant Layering: This was a very good idea. Two different chants at the same time. Yum. 
  3. Naftule's Dream: I really liked their cover of Debussy's Gnossiene #1, and there were even a couple more Debussy covers on the album! Bravo!
This Station is Non-Operational:
  1. Mess of layering at the end: Honestly, I didn't really feel very good about the ending layering with Electribe, and Mara!. It all felt a bit forced to me, but what can you do. 
  2. Aaron Dilloway: I'm sure this album is good, but not good to end a set on. Good for layering maybe...but I just put it at the wrong time I guess. 
  3. Not too much talking: I really need to start incorporating more talking into my show again, because frankly I miss talking to you guys, and I think at least a few of you miss listening to me, right? RIGHT?!
Thanks again! Keep listening!


  1. I really like that you played spain near the beginning of the show. it is making my day.

    1. Hahaha, in my mind I actually picked it because I knew you liked Spain! :D And also, it's making my day that you listened to it.

  2. I know this is years late, but there is misinformation on this post

    That isn't a half melanistic half albinistic zebra, it's a zebra horse hybrid with piebald coloration shows the exact animal you pictured above
