Today I did something pretty different: I talked. A lot. I've been getting a lot of feedback from friends and family that they would like to hear me talk more, besides just reading events information and back announcing. This is an idea that I've been toying with especially since coming back from Radiovision, after hearing so many amazing storytellers (Ira Glass, Joe Frank, etc.) talk about their work. I feel really lucky to have the freedom to experiment with that at WCBN, so I hope that you enjoy it. I mostly stuck to explaining what I chose to play, and how it relates to my life, so let me know if that's something I should keep doing.
I also recently talked to a good friend, and one of my favorite listeners while I was home for Thanksgiving, and he gave me some really good suggestions for conscious hip-hop artists to listen to, so expect to hear some more of that over the next few weeks.
[Artist: Song - Album]
- Noirkestra: Ectoplasmic Tadpoles (Frog's Neck Bridge) - Psi-Fi-Hi
- Himuro: Mild Fantasy Violence - Mild Fantasy Violence
- Jean Morel and Royal Opera House Orchestra: Swan Lake - Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
- Gotan Project: Gotan Project meets Chet Baker Round Midnight - Inspiración-Espiración
- Masloboevas: Lasses - Russian Folksongs in the Key of Sadness
- St. Tropez: Morning Music - Morning Music
- Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade - Scheherazade
- Kohwi: Reeling The Warmth - Hidden Trees
- Andrew Bird: First Song - Weather Systems
- J Dilla: E=MC2 feat. Common - The Shining
- Kitty Craft: One Fortune Smile - Beats an Breaks from the Flower Patch
- Electric Sandwich: Material Darkness - Electric Sandwich
- Anand Badamikar (tabla): Vilambit - Tintal
- Slap: Auto-repeat (version 2) - unmodified
- Either/Orchestra: Amlak abét abét - Ethiopiques 20
- Michael Perkins: Prelude + Esteban - MR 666
- Bootsy: Roto-Rooter - Keepin' Dah Funk Alive 2 - 1995
- Happy: Like Quicksand - kiss.bang.
Good Turkeys
- Swan Lake: Like I mention in the show, I had a watch a clip of this for my ballet class, and I'm really happy I got to listen to more of it for the show. I also think that the track went oddly well as far as length for how long my story was. Haha.
- Andrew Bird: Mmmm this was a gooood track. It kind of reminded me of the "Fatal" track from Escaflowne that I played last week. And both of them remind me of that creepy whistling track from Kill Bill...maybe I'll play that next week.
- Gotan Project: This track especially was super interesting to me, and kind of reveals the kind of influences that Gotan Project has, if they're making Chet Baker tracks, you know?
Bad Turkeys
- Electric Sandwich train wreck: *headdesk* I really didn't mean to stop that track right in the middle. I hit eject on the wrong CD player, and I couldn't think of what else to do. Womp womp.
- Ummmmm: I can't think of anything else. Maybe this is where you come in and tell me what I did? I honestly think my show as too short to mess up too much.
can you start putting up the approximate times that each song starts, or is that too much trouble?
That's a good idea, but it is a lot of work for me to do that. I do realize it's frustrating to have a playlist and be listening and not know exactly which one is playing. I have had the same frustration when listening to other podcasts. I will try it, but if it ends up being too time-consuming then I don't think I can. :/