Monday, October 15, 2012

Updates - 10/15/12

It's been a really long time, listeners. I've been pretty AWOL without even realizing it. I don't have many good excuses, but I can tell you that I'm going to update my posts in the next couple of days for sure. I've been pretty busy with my other show, The Sex and Tell Show, which I also keep a blog and archive for. That's been taking a lot of attention as of late, as well as working and some family things. 

More important that updating this blog is that I have some super amazing news. As of Wednesday of last week, I am now the General Manager of WCBN. I am so excited to start work, and I'm so honored that the Board of Directors elected me. I've been talking a lot with Rob Goldey (the GM before me), and I'm feeling much more ready than I was even a week ago to do the job. Wish me luck.

Some more news is that this coming weekend I will be attending Radiovision in NYC, which is put together by our freeform brethren, WFMU. If you recall, last year I also attended this conference, and it was an amazing experience. From October 19th-21st me and 4 other CBNers will be driving to NYC to learn more about how to make radio relevant and useful to you, and hopefully lots of other unrelated things that I will be excited to share with you. I will also be an official liveblogger of the event, so if you feel inclined, head over to my Twitter (@futfreestailo) and follow the event! I'll also be writing full blog posts about the event afterwards, so you won't miss a thing. 

Also, I'm looking for a job that pays in Ann Arbor, so if you know a guy, throw me a bone.